Painting application where the brushes are photos
Generative Art
Tool for building diagrams
Proof of concept for a color mixer interface
Create animated and interactive drawings
Tool for building geometric constructions
A tool to visualize a js codebase
WebGL animations
Generative Portrait
Sometimes I make games
Extruding contour lines from a simplex noise
Particles animated on the gpu
An algorithm for contour lines
Procedural animation in WebGL
VR experience
WebGL development
WebGL development
3d nightmarish tentacles using curl noise
Procedural generation and animation of a tree with Three.js
Developement of a website for BNP Paribas
A misshapen snowman
Interactive animations for spintank
Tiles-based lettering
Turn yourself into a hubot from the TV show 'Real Humans'
Interactive animation for jewellery brand Hircshell
A game of snake, with gifs cats
A bacteria made in javascript
A toy that makes you click. A lot.
2d trees generated
Experiments with shaders
Two approaches on rendering 2d metaballs
Playing with
Draw and connect the dots
Attempt to make snowflakes turned into abstract patterns
A collection of javascript sketches
Generative images with procedural color palettes
Generative images inspired by the Rorschach test
Animation combining flocking behaviour and Delaunay diagrams
Experiments made during a workshop with Processing Paris
Combining filters to create a psychedelic effect
Image processing to apply a sketch filter on photographs
Colorful animated lines
Transforming an image using a perlin noise
Rendering flame fractals
Dithering filter on webcam and images
Extracting color from images
Cycloids and color blending
Displaying animated text with interactive lines
Interactive whiteboard for brainstorm meetings
Tentacles animations
Experimentation with perlin noise in processing
Abstract landscape with perlin noise
Interactive particles
Particles animation based on perlin noise
Draw on an image to turn it into a painting
Smooth line following a random path